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Skills 3 - Disfigure

Victoria Burch

Skills and Techniques Development 3

In September I posted about skills I’d been pursuing during the summer. My summer activities had included several workshops including painting and drawing outside, to enjoy the spectacular weather.

In preparation for the new academic year and as part of my teaching role outside of my studies for Uni, I was asked to deliver a Figure Drawing unit in the forthcoming term. I made the decision to combine my Skills and Techniques Development unit for year 3, with the CPD for my job, to not only pursue development with my own studio work, but also to increase my skill set for my teaching work. I sourced and booked a five-day Figure Drawing course at The Art Academy, which I attended in August. My primary objectives were to improve my own drawing skill, in order to have confidence in teaching it, set but also gain inspiration to write a new scheme of work.

Plan for Development - Part One

My initial plan for development was to achieve the following:

  • Attend an independent five-day drawing course at the Art Academy in London; Aug 2018

  • Use the learned skills from the course to generate a scheme of work, slides and resources for teaching a twelve week figure drawing course to be delivered; Sept - Dec 2018

  • Document student progress with the course delivered, week by week, in a sketchbook; Sept-Dec 2018

  • Take photos of student work from every session to show student development; Sept-Dec 2018

This was to be evidenced by way of:

  • A portfolio of work generated from the Figure Drawing course at the Art Academy.

  • Sketchbook containing evidence of all material designed for the new figure drawing unit for students, as well as their development - which should include;

  • Scheme of Work

  • Brief & Slides

  • Resources, studio and models

  • Pictures of student work to show development

Targets Met and Evidenced

During the five day course, I produced up to forty large pieces of drawing work, which included all of the main components of drawing such as; line, tone, form, foreshortening, perspective and use of different media. Selected pieces of this work are available to view on my website;


At the start of the new academic term I designed a new scheme of work, for the twelve-week drawing course, which was scheduled to take place for three hours per week on Friday mornings. This also included slides for each session containing artist research to inspire the theme of the session, be it; line, tone, perspective etc. All of the material was documented into a separate sketchbook, the sketchbook made life much easier for note taking during sessions. Each week I took full responsibility to access drawing materials for the students to use, set up the studio, book different models suited to the session, for example movement, anatomy etc. and record student progress on a weekly basis by taking photographs of their work.

Student Achievement

Each student achieved the unit successfully. They were required to produce a full sketchbook of artist research and reflection on their learning as well as a portfolio full of drawings from the sessions.

Plan for Development - Part Two

Having evaluated the progress of part one and following the successful completion of the figure drawing unit, I decided to extend this further and create an exhibition of the student work. The first floor Mezzanine gallery space at the Southend Campus has been booked and the public exhibition is planned for Friday 8thFebruary 2019. It will take place at the Southend Campus of South Essex College.

The unit following figure drawing in the current curriculum, is the Mixed Media unit.

I decided to incorporate what the students had learned in the figure drawing unit and utilize this for the Mixed Media specialism. A new brief entitled; ‘Disfigure’, was written to for purpose of this, adhering to all of the learning outcomes required, but in this instance, the theme uses the figure as a subject. My hope is that this will be a Contemporary exhibition, using unconventional materials and processes, which I will curate.

My new plan for development is to achieve the following;

  • Design and deliver a scheme of work as before, for the mixed media specialism incorporating all of the learning outcomes required, but use figure drawing as the subject matter. This will incorporate all of the same documentation as part one and be evidenced by the following:

  • Compile another sketchbook containing evidence of all material generated for the new mixed media unit which will include;

  • Scheme of Work

  • Brief & Slides

  • Resources, studio and models

  • Pictures of student work to show development

  • Plan and curate the exhibition evidenced by sketches, photographs and blog posts.

  • Hold a Private View on the evening of Friday 8thFebruary, to be attended by the public, and hopefully Writtle Tutors.

  • Create marketing material to advertise the show.

Updates to follow...

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