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PCF3 Career Report Five Year Plan

Victoria Burch

Year 1-3

After completing my degree in Contemporary Art I want to pursue an MA, not only to extend my own practice, but also gain better employment and improve my teaching practice. I am considering the following options:

  • A London based MA in Fine Art, Painting or Drawing with the flexibility to explore other traditional Fine Art practices. I will visit summer exhibitions for different universities, and attend the following open days:

  1. Royal Drawing College. The Drawing Year (1yr). Open day Thursday 28thFebruary 2019

  2. Royal College MA Painting. Open day Saturday 23rdMarch 2019

  3. Royal College MRES Fine Art Pathway. Open day Saturday 23rdMarch 2019

  4. London Metropolitan MA Fine Art. Open day Thursday 2ndMay 2019

  5. Goldsmiths MFA Fine Art. Open day Wednesday 4thDecember 2019

Objectives for current employment and own practice

Current teaching practice (year 1-5):

  • Continue my teaching practice in FE for 3 years. The Access course leader position is becoming available in September. This presents an opportunity to increase my hours, earn slightly more, but still retain my part time status, whilst studying for the MA. My current qualifications and experience are suited to this post and an application will be made through my current employer - coupled with, a recommendation from the current course leader.

  1. On completion of the MA, I will apply for a teaching post in HE, to achieve this I will:

  2. Check job boards and staffing updates within the college/other colleges/universities.

  3. Social media; check job sites frequently and set up email alerts, specifically sites related to art and education, as well as Linked-In.

Own practice (year 1-5):

  • Extend my own practice through learning on the MA.

  • Enter more exhibitions/competitions; I have four applications planned for this coming year.

  • To achieve this I plan to;

  1. Apply to subscriptions received by email, view Social Media and the Internet.

  2. Maintain an up to date Artist CV, employment CV, online presence and portfolio.

  3. Maintain links made through new connections by paying regular visits to local art events.

Current freelance work (year 1-3):

  • Maintain my current client base, until such time I am able to sustain my income through other means. Aim to be involved with more lucrative projects as opposed to small fry in the meantime, through networking with existing clients. I do not wish to expand this practice, rather pursue other goals for my artistic practice and teaching.

Extra activities to enhance the attainment of my five year goals:

  • Get involved with art groups to become more familiar with the art scene, both locally and further a field.

  • Network at art events/galleries to pursue new contacts, as well as through the college and external organisations linked with art festivals in the local area and further a field.

  • Apply to galleries to show work, as well as, network on social media; art sites, Linked-In, etc.

  • Maintain an up to date Artist CV, employment CV, online presence and portfolio.

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