We made good progress this week and as a result have two individual sets of proofs of the brochure ready for the next exhibition meeting.
The girls reviewed and refined their previous layouts ready for making stylesheets. They worked with a word count for the artist statements of 160 words – equating to two paragraphs, this is based on the word count from last year and leaves enough space for all other elements on the page with regards to Artists work, social media information etc.
We also touched briefly on master pages, working with the baseline grid and finally finished with creating master pages.
Both Abi & Louise made pdfs of their spreads and printed them out, ready for the presentation. Once the next exhibition meeting has taken place we will start working on collecting quotes for printing. Our ad sizes are the same as last year as today we also decided to go with the 210 x 210mm size.
I have amended our deadline dates to allow for the layout of the brochure just prior to the Easter break - after the break we will have no studio. The new dates are as follows:
Artists to send Artists statements/Artworks to Pryle and Sam: Tuesday 12th March
Artists statements/Artworks from Pryle/Sam to Vicky in Design Team: Tuesday 26th March.
Design Team to layout brochure in studio: Wednesday 27th & Thursday 28th March, following which a proof will be sent to the tutors.
Final brochure proof to Pryle/Sam & Liz: Tuesday 23rd April, prior to print.
Brochure to print: Thursday 25th April.