Following a conversation with Pryle and Sam, I've decided to create an installation of a food bank rather that working with the casts as three dimensional objects on canvas or mounted onto the wall (see last post). Having discounted this idea, I may ending using this idea for the Art Sale instead, small canvases with perhaps one object attached.
I researched food banks on line and also visited a local food bank for inspiration.
Siobhain mentioned that she had a very similar shelving which she uses for storing paint in her shed and kindly offered to lend me the shelving for the exhibition. As luck would have it Siobhain shelving is the same as that detailed in the image above and also at the food bank close to where I live - I am also pleased that the shelving comes by way of donation, albeit temporarily.
The following four images show experimentation with moving the shelving around in the space. The initial idea was to have the shelving parallel to the wall, allowing space for people to move around the back.
Following further discussion, I decided to experiment with spraying the shelving white, my next plan is to spray one set white and experiment further with how both silver and white shelving looks in the space...