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SP3 Further compositions for exhibiting

Victoria Burch

One option might be to exhibit the canvases or casts attached to canvas in the following way...

Casts would be displayed in the following way....

Casts attached to canvas in a landscape orientation.

Casts attached to canvas in a portrait orientation.

On a blue emulsioned background

In the following format....

Or as before in recessed boxes, similar to the Ingleby Gallery exhibition mentioned in the last post...

Recessed boxes with the gilt frames in plaster

From previous blog - this looks like the pieces are in boxes.

Recessed boxes only, no gilt frames.


If using the paintings, either similar to the Andy Warhol style, curated in a row or block...

Or as I thought before, in a format of four using colour, with gold gilt edged frames referencing the 17th Century Vanitas paintings...

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