Although time consuming, blogging has become a good way to ascertain exactly how much work has been done on each module. Of late the emphasis has been on Skills with the recent Disfigure exhibition, but now I am determined to get back on track with both Studio Practice and Professional and Creative Focus. Here is my planned timetable for the coming week…
Catch up with blogs, specifically;
PCF; Planned activity for website and presentation - Photograph embossed prints from last years end of year show for front page of website - Find two other projects suitable as two of the main four pieces of work on the front page of website - Update website
Studio Practice; consult research, converge ideas, update findings
SP; Make work for Studio Practice all day
SP; Blog about it.
AM Attend Paul’s painting class – work for Studio Practice and Flickr
PM Make work for Simon’s painting class – work for Studio Practice and Flickr
AM Print screen from Steve's workshop shown above. This was a test piece for Studio Practice, just the method not the idea.
PM Attend Simon’s painting workshop.
AM PCF Presentation; - begin to put together depending on outcome of Studio Practice work and Photography of own work. - prepare for Exhibition meeting scheduled for Monday morning.
PM Visit Bill Viola/Michelangelo exhibition at RA